Welcome to my New Blog

I want to introduce to you my NEW BLOG "#FaithUP w/Sonnie" !!  With the new updates to my site provider, it allows me to do my own blog right on my page. This is wonderful, because I will be able to add things from my heart that deals with a vast of empowering stuff. We will talk music, fashion, entertainment, relationships, family, travel, education, community, contest and more. I will post podcast from my weekly radio show "The Sonnie Day Show" and maybe clips from the TV show here as well. I hope you will look to my blog for opportunities to be inspired, to go after your dreams, and learn simple ways to do better in life. I just believe there is more to offer in this life and more to receive from this life. But we must first have a willing spirit and the FAITH.

So, as I introduce this Blog, I hope you will dream with me as we go a weekly journey. I would love to hear from you and how this blog has helped in any kind of way...HERE WE GO!!...DREAM!

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